Step-1. Create Two DBLINK to connect with Two Database then
define logindb=DBLINKONE
define remotedb=DBLINKTWO
define schema_name=SCHEMA_NAME
clear col breaks compute
break on OBJECT_TYPE skip 1
col src_name format a40
col tgt_name format a40
col object_type format a20
col src_length format 999,999
col tgt_length format 999,999
col diff format 999,999
With source_tbl as
(SELECT /*+ MATERIALIZE */ type, name
, standard_hash ( LISTAGG(text, ' ' ON OVERFLOW TRUNCATE) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY line) , 'SHA1') hash_value
, sum(length(text)) text_length
, max(line) source_lines
FROM dba_source@&&logindb
where 1 = 1
and owner = '&&schema_name'
and name not like 'BIN$%'
--and type = 'PROCEDURE'
group by type, name)
, target_tbl as
(SELECT /*+ MATERIALIZE */ type, name
, standard_hash ( LISTAGG(text, ' ' ON OVERFLOW TRUNCATE) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY line) , 'SHA1') hash_value
, sum(length(text)) text_length
, max(line) source_lines
FROM dba_source@&&remotedb
where 1 = 1
and owner = '&&schema_name'
and name not like 'BIN$%'
--and type = 'PROCEDURE'
group by type, name)
select nvl(a.type, b.type) object_type, src_name, tgt_name
, nvl(a.text_length,0) src_length, nvl( b.text_length,0) tgt_length
, abs ( nvl(a.text_length,0) - nvl(b.text_length,0) ) diff
, GREATEST ( a.source_lines, b.source_lines) max_source_lines
, abs ( a.source_lines - b.source_lines) diff_source_lines
from source_tbl A full outer join target_tbl B
on ( =
and a.type = b.type)
where 1= 1
--and (a.hash_value <> b.hash_value
-- or nvl(a.text_length,0) <> nvl(b.text_length,0) )
--objects that are available in both environment
and ( is not null and is not null)
and abs ( nvl(a.text_length,0) - nvl(b.text_length,0) ) > 10
order by nvl(a.type, b.type), nvl(,
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