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Error In Apex 5.1

### At the of creating new page or region in legacy mode at the final step if I click multiple time on finish/Create button then at the same time and same type with same content multiple region/page are created.

Solve : User primary key or unique key in the table

### Similarly at AutoDML inserting data in table if  I click multiple time on Create button then same data inserted multiple time.(If there is no Constant ).

Solve : User primary key or unique key in the table

###  GPV Interactive Report to MSExcel v2 this Plugin sometimes can not read SQL report query date in condition though Apex or Toad can read and Show Report .
Condition Like:
       docdate between :from_date and :to_date 

Solve: You Have Do The Conversion Carefully In Different Way.

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PDF to Text Covert by Oracle Apex

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