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Monday, November 27, 2023

Apex User Creation from Process


apex_util.create_user (  
p_user_name=> :NEW.USER_NAME,
p_first_name=> :NEW.FIRST_NAME,
p_last_name=> :NEW.LAST_NAME,
p_description=>  :NEW.DESCRIPTION,
p_email_address =>:NEW.EMAIL_ADDRESS,
 /*--For extra security, this resets the user's access to the APEX_BI schema only---*/
p_allow_access_to_schemas  => 'STARS_DEMO',
                /*--For extra security, this resets the user's default schema to APEX_BI--*/
p_default_schema =>  'STARS_DEMO',
               /*--For extra security, this resets the user's developer role to an end user Note:  In FETCH USER and EDIT USER p_developer_privs is named p_developer_role ---*/
p_developer_privs  => null,
p_account_locked   => 'N',
p_failed_access_attempts  =>0,
p_first_password_use_occurred =>'N');
/*--Email text defined --*/ 

End ;

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Search String Inside Oracle Database Objects SQL

SELECT owner, name, type, line, text  FROM dba_source WHERE instr(UPPER(text), UPPER('string')) > 0;