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Monday, November 8, 2021

Difference Between Table Name With Quotation mark and Without Quotation mark (")

Difference Between Table Name test and "test" 

Look at the below table. There is tow table named test and "test". You can create same name two table in a database and schema. But why ? What is the difference  ? 

Actually Oracle database is case sensitive in this case. But this issue is little deferent. Oracle database take as smaller latter when table name with Quotation mark ("test") .  On the other hand without Quotation mark table name Oracle database take as capital letter. 

When we do a query like (select * from test) Oracle database take the table name in capital letter and do the query.  So there is a case sensitive issue occurred. 

So Finally, good practice is creating table without Quotation mark. If you create table with Quotation mark then every time you have to write Quotation mark when you will do query.   



create table test (

id number,

name varchar2(20),

address varchar2(500)


create table "test" (

id number,

name varchar2(20),

address varchar2(500)


insert into test values (1,'Qaium','Address') ;


insert into "testvalues (1,'Halim','Motron') ;


select * from test ; 

select * from "test" ;

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Search String Inside Oracle Database Objects SQL

SELECT owner, name, type, line, text  FROM dba_source WHERE instr(UPPER(text), UPPER('string')) > 0;