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Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Work In USA with H1B Visa, Especially for IT Professionals

Info about H1b visa to work in USA, Especially for IT professional,

Every week I am getting lots of email about H1b visa. How can we apply for this visa? I also have seen one of Bangladeshi newspaper published wrong information about H-1b visa and a website linked in it, asking money for providing the information. Through I am replying individually, but I thought, I will write something details about this and share with you so that you can get informed and benefited.

H1b visa can be a very good opportunity for Bangladeshi IT (Computer engineer) talents to work in USA. Lots of Indian (south Indian) and Chines professionals are coming to USA with this visa every year. So it could be a good job source also for Bangladeshi High skilled computer engineers. As per my knowledge, there are lots of world qualities IT professional in Bangladesh and I believe Bangladeshi’s are not less genius than others.  

The US H1B visa is a non-immigrant visa that allows US companies to employ foreign workers in specialty occupations that require theoretical or technical expertise in specialized fields such as in Computer engineering, architecture, others engineering, mathematics, science, and medicine. Under the visa a US company can employ a foreign worker for up to six years at least. (3 years + 3 years extension). Then if there are not enough employees like you in US market then you can apply for Green Card.

H1B visa applications can only be filed by the US employer (not the individual/beneficiary). Foreign Nationals MUST first obtain an H1B sponsorship job (sponsored employment position) with a US employer who will hire them and file for their H1B visa. (Now easy to find out but you have to more qualify for that)

Current immigration law allows for a total of 85,000 new H-1B visas to be made available each government fiscal year. This number includes 65,000 new H-1B visas issued for overseas workers in professional or specialty occupation positions, and an additional 20,000 visas available for those with an advanced degree from a US academic institution. Once the visa cap has been reached, USCIS will stop accepting H-1B petitions for this year. If more application applied within a time frame then a lottery will happen for selecting 65,000 candidates and 20000 candidates.

For understanding H-1B Requirements

More about H-1b program.

H-1B visa season starts on April 1st of every year. Usually USCIS starts accepting H-1B visa petitions for next fiscal year starting from April 1st of the current year. So you need to make sure, everything is ready by before April 1st. For The Bangladeshi, only hard thing is to find out a H-1B Visa sponsoring companies or US employers who are willing to sponsor.

Need to be ready: 

 1) Find out the sponsoring companies.

For searching on H1B Visa sponsoring companies. You can create a list of all the companies that are likely to sponsor H1B Visa for your profile. Send an attractive email to all of them with your experience, ability, success and more (with a good resume also) . Read article :  How to find H1B Visa 2015 Sponsors. You can use  H1B Visa Sponsors Database    and ( links to look for companies that sponsor H1B visas in a particular City or Zipcode or Occupation or by company name. You will apply for jobs during this period with these companies and do job interviews with the companies. Think of this period as intensive job search.

2) Verify the H1B Visa Sponsoring companies

3) Finalize the H1B Sponsoring company

4) You need to work with your employer and their attorney for filing H1B petition. You will need to send the documents, usually only scan copies of the documents are requested by attorney. Do NOT provide any originals.

5) Send out all the scan copies via email. If anything required as hard copy, just courier the same.  It is critical that you work with your attorney and have it ready so that they file for your LCA during this week itself.

6) You need to check with your attorney and employer, if they have all the documents and everything is on track. This is the busiest time for employers and attorneys. If everything went well and your attorney has all the paperwork, there is no activity for you.


FYI-   Now USA job market is good for IT professionals.

For more info,

How can you Apply H1B Visa

How to find out H1B visa Sponsor companies

How to find companies, Avoid Fraud ?

H1B Visa 2015 – Frequently Asked Questions

For any clarification and more information, anyone can shoot me email or send me message.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Difference Between Table Name With Quotation mark and Without Quotation mark (")

Difference Between Table Name test and "test" 

Look at the below table. There is tow table named test and "test". You can create same name two table in a database and schema. But why ? What is the difference  ? 

Actually Oracle database is case sensitive in this case. But this issue is little deferent. Oracle database take as smaller latter when table name with Quotation mark ("test") .  On the other hand without Quotation mark table name Oracle database take as capital letter. 

When we do a query like (select * from test) Oracle database take the table name in capital letter and do the query.  So there is a case sensitive issue occurred. 

So Finally, good practice is creating table without Quotation mark. If you create table with Quotation mark then every time you have to write Quotation mark when you will do query.   



create table test (

id number,

name varchar2(20),

address varchar2(500)


create table "test" (

id number,

name varchar2(20),

address varchar2(500)


insert into test values (1,'Qaium','Address') ;


insert into "testvalues (1,'Halim','Motron') ;


select * from test ; 

select * from "test" ;

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

How to create list of all file name from your google drive folder !!!

Step 1.  Create a random spreadsheet from your google account. 

Step 2. Click on  spreadsheet Tools >> Script editor  (There will be open a new tab with javascript editor)

Step 3. Clear the editor and Copy Pest the below code and press on save button like below image .

function ListExportFunction() {
  var folderName = 'SEAMAP_GA_Longline'; // Google Drive Just Folder Name
  var folderlisting = 'listing of folder ' + folderName;
  var folders = DriveApp.getFoldersByName(folderName)
  var folder =;
  var contents = folder.getFiles();
  var contents = folder.getFiles();
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.create(folderlisting);
  var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
  var file;
  var name;
  var link;
  var row; 
    file =;
    name = file.getName();
    link = file.getUrl();
    sheet.appendRow([name, link]);
  } };

Step 4. Finally Run the code by clicking run button like below image.  ( In this time browser may ask for allow to access your google drive. You have to allow it. Don't worry it's google script editor so it's safe )

Step 5. After successfully execution there will show a completed message like below image. 

That's  All. Now Check Your Drive Home Page With Your Folder Name Including "
listing of folder"  File Name. 

Search String Inside Oracle Database Objects SQL

SELECT owner, name, type, line, text  FROM dba_source WHERE instr(UPPER(text), UPPER('string')) > 0;