Re Assign Oracle Table Column Without Delete Data From Table Using (Rebuild form TOAD)
***Table ->altermode->Rebuild-> Script-> Re Assign Column -> Finally Execute.***
-- **********************************************************************
-- Note: This rebuild script is not meant to be used when a possibility *
-- exists that someone might try to access the table while it is *
-- being rebuilt! If you need online table rebuilding and you *
-- are on Oracle 10g or newer, use the dbms_redfinition wizard *
-- under database -> optimize. (Requires DB Admin module) *
-- *
-- Locks are released when the first DDL, COMMIT or ROLLBACK is *
-- performed, so adding a "Lock table" command at the top of this *
-- script will not prevent others from accessing the table for *
-- the duration of the script. *
-- *
-- One more important note: *
-- This script will cause the catalog in replicated environments *
-- to become out of sync. *
-- **********************************************************************
-- Table Rebuild script generated by Toad
-- Original table: TEST1
-- Backup of table: TEST1_X
-- Date: 11/05/2019 12:48:57
***Table ->altermode->Rebuild-> Script-> Re Assign Column -> Finally Execute.***
-- **********************************************************************
-- Note: This rebuild script is not meant to be used when a possibility *
-- exists that someone might try to access the table while it is *
-- being rebuilt! If you need online table rebuilding and you *
-- are on Oracle 10g or newer, use the dbms_redfinition wizard *
-- under database -> optimize. (Requires DB Admin module) *
-- *
-- Locks are released when the first DDL, COMMIT or ROLLBACK is *
-- performed, so adding a "Lock table" command at the top of this *
-- script will not prevent others from accessing the table for *
-- the duration of the script. *
-- *
-- One more important note: *
-- This script will cause the catalog in replicated environments *
-- to become out of sync. *
-- **********************************************************************
-- Table Rebuild script generated by Toad
-- Original table: TEST1
-- Backup of table: TEST1_X
-- Date: 11/05/2019 12:48:57
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