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Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Email Validation in Oracle Apex 5


Step 1. Create a item type as Textfield .

Step 2. Create Validation on this Textfield and select Validation>>Type >> Item Match Regular Expression.
Step 3. Then type this code in Regular Expression .Always Execute will >>No

Email Validation Expression:

^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]{1,}@[a-zA-Z]{1}[a-zA-Z\.\-]{1,}\.{1}([a-zA-Z]{3,3}|[a-  zA-Z]{2,2}\.{1}[a-zA-Z]{2,2})$

Step 4. Give a Error Message for wrong email type. And Display Location will inline with Field and in Notification. 

It will work. I guess. 

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Search String Inside Oracle Database Objects SQL

SELECT owner, name, type, line, text  FROM dba_source WHERE instr(UPPER(text), UPPER('string')) > 0;